京都大学附属図書館宇治分館 - Kyoto University Uji Library

京都大学附属図書館宇治分館 611-0011 京都府宇治市五ケ庄
Uji Library, Kyoto University, Gokasho, Uji City, Kyoto, 611-0011
Phone: 0774-38-3010 Fax: 0774-38-4370
E-mail: ujibunkan[at]mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp [Access] [Map] (1F)

Home > 各種申請書 Application forms

各種申請書 Application forms

1.学生・非常勤講師等のアカウント(ECS-ID) ECS-ID (Accounts for students and part-time lecturer, etc.)

学部生・大学院生のほか、研究生・聴講生・科目等履修生・特別聴講学生・特別研究学生などの学生、 非常勤講師・学振特別研究員・名誉教授・招へい外国人学者・外国人共同研究者・学振外国人特別研究員・ 受託研究員・研修員・民間等共同研究員などSPS-ID発行対象外となる教職員が申請・取得できます。
In addition to undergraduate and graduate students, individuals such as research students, auditing students, credited auditing students, special auditing students, special research students, part-time lecturers, JSPS research fellowship for young scientists, professors emeritus, international guest scholars, international guest research associates, JSPS postdoctoral fellowship for overseas researchers, contract researchers, research fellows, collaborative researchers from the private sector and other faculty members who are not eligible for SPS-ID issuance can apply for and obtain an ECS-ID.

お急ぎの場合は直接「学術情報メディアセンター 南館」(地図)に申請してください。
Uji Library is not able to issue ECS-IDs immediately because the library is acting as an agency of the Institute for Information Management and Communication. Please note that it will take a few days to renew or resume your ECS-ID.
If you are in a hurry, please apply directly to the "Academic Center for Computing and Media Studies, South Building" (map).

I.必要書類 Required documents

II-1.電子メールによる申請 Email Application

Please do not attach application forms or other files to the email.

  1. 以下の内容を ujibunkan[at]mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp 宛に電子メールで連絡してください([at]は@に置き換えてください)。
    Please send the following information to ujibunkan[at]mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp (replace [at] with @) by email.

     件名:ECS-IDの発行(新規登録 / 継続 / 再開 / パスワード/ID忘れ・有効化期限切れ)依頼
      ①申請区分:(例)新規登録 / 継続 / 再開 / パスワード/ID忘れ・有効化期限切れ

     Subject: Request for issuance of ECS-ID (new registration / continuation / resumption / forgotten password/ID or expired activation)
     *Please change the subject depending on the content of the application.
      ① Application category: (e.g.) New registration / Continuation / Resumption / Forgot password/ID/ or Expired activation
      ② Name:
      ③ Affiliation: Please provide details such as research institute, department, area, laboratory, etc.
      ④ Status: (e.g., international guest scholars, international guest research associates, collaborative researchers from the private sector, part-time lecturers, etc.)

  2. ファイルの受け渡し方法を、宇治分館から申請者に電子メールで個別にお知らせします。
    Uji Library will inform the applicant individually by email on how to receive the file.

  3. お知らせした方法により、申請書の電子ファイルと、在籍期間が確認できる身分証等 (受入れ証明証(パウチ)、部局の長の公印付受入証明書、労働条件通知書等)の画像ファイルを提出してください。
    Please submit the application form and the image file of the ID card (acceptance certificate (pouched), acceptance certificate with the official seal of the head of the department, notification of working conditions, etc.) that confirms the period of enrollment according to the method notified to you.

  4. ECS-IDが発行されましたら、申請者へ直接青い封筒にて「アカウント(ECS-ID)有効化通知書」が送付されます。
    Once the ECS-ID is issued, a "Notice of Account (ECS-ID) Activation" will be sent directly to the applicant in a blue envelope.

II-2.来館による申請 In Person Application

申請書と、在籍期間が確認できる身分証等 (受入れ証明証(パウチ)、部局の長の公印付受入証明書、労働条件通知書等)を提出してください。
Please submit the application form and identification that confirms the period of enrollment (acceptance certificate (pouched), acceptance certificate with the official seal of the head of the department, notification of working conditions, etc.).
Once the ECS-ID is issued, a "Notice of Account (ECS-ID) Activation" will be sent directly to the applicant in a blue envelope.

III.参考 Reference Information

短期滞在の方が、学内ネットワークに接続された端末から電子ジャーナルやデータベースを利用するために短期IDを発行できます。 ご希望の場合は、宇治分館カウンターにお申込ください。
A temporary ID will be issued upon request to a short-term visitor for the purpose of accessing e-journals and data bases via devices connected to the campus network. Please contact the Uji Library service counter for application.

2.京都大学図書館利用証の発行 Kyoto University Library Card Registration Form

Library card will be issued to those who do not have an IC Student ID Card, Certified IC Card, or Professor Emeritus ID Card.

*Those who have an IC student card or certified IC card will be able to use it as a library card.
*Students who do not have an IC student card (credited auditing students, research students, etc.) and those who are employed by the University (part-time lecturers, etc.) do not need to submit an application form. Please come to Uji Library with your student ID card/notification of working conditions. After confirming your identity at the counter, a library card will be issued.

I.必要書類 Required documents

II-1.電子メールによる申請方法 Email Application

Please do not attach application forms or other files to the email.

  1. 以下の内容を ujibunkan[at]mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp 宛に電子メールで連絡してください([at]は@に置き換えてください)。
    Please send the following information to ujibunkan[at]mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp (replace [at] with @) by email.

     件名:図書館利用証の発行(新規登録 / 再発行 / 更新)依頼 ※申請内容によって件名を変えてください。
      ①申請区分:(例)新規登録 / 再発行 / 更新

    Subject: Request for issuance of library card (new registration / reissue / renewal) *Please change the subject depending on the content of the application.
      ① Application category: (e.g.) New registration / Reissue / Renewal
      ② Name:
      ③ Affiliation: Please provide details such as research institute, department, area, laboratory, etc.
      ④ Status: (e.g., international guest scholars, international guest research associates, collaborative researchers from the private sector, etc.)
      ⑤ Type of identification: (e.g.) Acceptance certificate (pouched), acceptance certificate with official seal of the head of the department, etc.
      ⑥ Library card number (13 digits): Please fill in when you "renew" your library card.

  2. ファイルの受け渡し方法を、宇治分館から申請者に電子メールで個別にお知らせします。
    Uji Library will inform the applicant individually by email on how to receive the file

  3. お知らせした方法により、申請書の電子ファイルと、在籍期間が確認できる身分証等 (受入れ証明証(パウチ)、部局の長の公印付受入証明書等)の画像ファイルを提出してください。
    Please submit the application form and the image file of the ID card, etc. (acceptance certificate (pouched), acceptance certificate with the official seal of the head of the department, etc.) that confirms the period of enrollment according to the method notified to you.

  4. 図書館利用証をお渡しする準備が整いましたら、電子メールにてお知らせします。
    You will be notified by email when your library card is ready for pickup.
    Users who are renewing their library card also need to have their expiration date stamped, so please come to the counter at a later date.
    Please note that the library is open from 9:00 to 17:00 on weekdays.

II-2.来館による申請方法 In Person Application

Please submit Kyoto University Library Card Registration Form and a photocopy of documents showing your enrollment period.

You will receive an email notification when your library card is ready for pickup.
Please note that the library is open from 9:00 to 17:00 on weekdays.

III.参考 Reference Information

3.閲覧室時間外・書庫利用登録申請書 Extended access to Reading Room & Stack Room

宇治キャンパス所属の方限定 Members of Uji Campus Only

IC身分証で、閲覧室(時間外)と書庫の利用を希望される場合は、「閲覧室時間外・書庫利用登録申請書」を宇治分館に提出してください。 (2023年2月から研究領域・分野等の責任者の署名または印鑑は不要になりました。)
If you intend to use Reading Room (after hours) and Stack Room with your IC ID card, you need to apply for "Extended Access to Reading Room & Stack Room."


Except for Monday-Wednesday of the third week of August, December 28-January 4

時間外の閲覧室利用は閲覧、返却(返却BOX)のみです。 複写(公費のみ)をご利用の方は事前にお申込ください。
Only reading and returning books (to Book Drop) at Reading Room available after hours. Copying Service (Public Expense) should be applied in advance.

I. 必要書類 Required documents

II-1. 電子メールによる申請 Email Application

Please do not attach application forms or other files to the email.

  1. 以下の内容を ujibunkan[at]mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp 宛に電子メールで連絡してください([at]は@に置き換えてください)。
    Please send the following information to ujibunkan[at]mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp (replace [at] with @) by email.


    Subject: After-hours reading room and stacks use registration request
      ① Name:
      ② Affiliation:Please provide details such as research institute, department, area, laboratory, etc. 
    (Note): Only Uji Campus members who have already registered to enter and leave the main building of the Uji Campus Research Institute are eligible to apply.
    Reference: [On-campus only] Uji Campus Office Website > Entry and Exit Using an Authentication IC Card (Card Key)

  2. ファイルの受け渡し方法を、宇治分館から申請者に電子メールで個別にお知らせします。
    Uji Library will inform the applicant individually by email on how to receive the file.

  3. お知らせした方法により、申請書の電子ファイルと、身分証(IC学生証、認証ICカード、(個人名の)施設利用証)の画像ファイルを提出してください。
    Please submit the application form and the image file of your ID (IC student ID card, certified IC card, or (personal name) facility user ID card) according to the notified method.
  4. 閲覧室時間外・書庫利用登録が完了しましたら、宇治分館から申請者へご連絡します。
    Uji Library will contact the applicant after the registration for after-hours reading room and stacks use is completed.

II-2. 来館による申請 In Person Application

「京都大学附属図書館宇治分館閲覧室時間外・書庫利用登録 申請書」と、身分証(IC学生証、認証ICカード、(個人名の)施設利用証)を提出してください。
Please submit "Application form for After-hours/Stacks Registration" and your ID (IC Student ID, certified IC Card, or (personal name) facility user ID Card).

Uji Library will contact the applicant after the registration for after-hours reading room and stacks use is completed.

III.参考 Reference Information

4.宇治分館学生用図書リクエスト Uji Library Student Book Request

We welcome recommendations from Uji Campus members (faculty, staff, and students).
リクエストフォーム Student Book Request

5.オンラインサービス利用案内(MyKULINE) MyKULINE

You can log in to MyKULINE to renew books and make reservation requests.
To use this service, you need "Kyoto University Library User ID Card" and "ECS-ID or SPS-ID".
For details, please refer to the Online Service User Guide.

5-1.文献複写・現物貸借における公費利用の登録 Application for Photocopy/Interlibrary Loan at Public Expense

You can apply for a photocopy or interlibrary loan from "Copy" or "ILL" on KULINE. If you wish to pay with public funds (University grants), please submit your application after obtaining approval from the person in charge of the budget. If you wish to pay privately, you do not need to register in advance.

I.必要書類 Required documents

II-1.電子メールによる申請方法 Email Application

Please do not attach application forms or other files to the email.

  1. 以下の内容を ujibunkan[at]mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp 宛に電子メールで連絡してください([at]は@に置き換えてください)。
    Please send the following information to ujibunkan[at]mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp (replace [at] with @) by email.


    Subject: Request for registration of use of public funds for photocopying and loan of books
      ① Name:
      ② Affiliation: Please provide details such as research institute, department, area, laboratory, etc.
    (Note): Only Uji Campus members are eligible to apply. Public funds (University Grants) that can be handled by the library are the following budgets.
    Institute for Chemical Research (310*******), Institute of Advanced Energy (340*******), Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere (350*******) Disaster Prevention Research Institute (360*******)
    Graduate School of Engineering (090*******), Graduate School of Agriculture (100*******), Graduate School of Energy Science (120*******), Graduate School of Informatics (140*******),
    Research Center for Low Temperature and Materials Sciences (580*******), Institute for Integrated Cell-Material Sciences (iCeMS) (705*******), and Office of Institutional Advancement and Communications(IAC) (former Office of Society Academia Collaboration for Innovation) (820*******)

  2. ファイルの受け渡し方法を、宇治分館から申請者に電子メールで個別にお知らせします。
    Uji Library will inform the applicant individually by email on how to receive the file.

  3. お知らせした方法により、申請書の電子ファイルと、身分証(IC学生証、認証ICカード、図書館利用証)の画像ファイルを提出してください。
    Please submit the application form and the image file of your ID card (IC student ID card, certified IC card, or library card) according to the notified method.

  4. 文献複写・現物貸借における公費予算の登録が完了しましたら、宇治分館から申請者へご連絡します。
    Uji Library will contact the applicant after the registration of the public budget for photocopying and loan of books is completed.

II-2.来館による申請方法 In Person Application

Please submit the "Application Form for Photocopy / Interlibrary Loan at Public Expense (Uji Library version)" and your ID (IC Student ID, certified IC Card, or Library card).
Uji Library will contact the applicant after the registration of the public budget for photocopying and loan of books is completed.

III.参考資料 Reference Information

5-2.オンライン図書購入依頼の利用登録 Application for Book Purchase Request at Public Expense

If you wish to purchase books with your research funds (order through Uji Library), you can submit a book purchase request through "Purchase Request" in KULINE.

詳細は 宇治地区事務部サイト 図書の購入について をご参照ください。
For details, please refer to the "Book Purchase Requests" page on the Uji Campus Office website.

Last update: May 28, 2024